
Check out our current fundraisers.
Thank you for your support.

Current Fundraisers

  • Skip The Depot

    Do you have extra bottles around your place or know anyone that wants to donate their bottles? If you do, check out this link to donate your bottles and have them picked up from your door! It’s an easy way to get rid of your extra bottles (min 150 bottles) with no hassle of going to a depot! Direct Link:
    to set up you free online account to help support our Chorus.

  • Gift Cards

    Gift cards are available for purchase through Gateway Chorus. Every-thing from gas stations to grocery stores, from restaurants to appar-el, we have it all! There are two ways to order - either go to to sign up and order, or contact us via the footer in the contact us section, to put in a group order. You receive a fully-loaded gift card, and Gateway re-ceives a percentage of every gift card sold.

  • Scrap Metal

    If you have any scrap metal lying around your place, then this message is for you! Scrap like steel, old car batteries, copper, aluminum, brass, stainless steel and more is what we are looking for. If you have anything like this that you'd like to donate, please contact us via our web form in the footer by clicking contact us.