Newest member from Hawaii

An 11PM departure didn't stop Linda, our formidable Hawaiian dual member, from being able to perform in our regional convention. With snow on the ground in Edmonton, Gateway welcomed our newest member all the way from Hawaii.

" With remote options I found Gateway through the pandemic, and I couldn't sit at home and watch them perform without me," Linda said, "the joy of singing chords with all these women, even for 7 minutes, will last a lifetime."

"We welcomed women from around the world during the pandemic, our zoom doors gave us a lifeline to experience community in the barbershop and singing world, " said Lisa Greenough, "Linda came every rehearsal, even if it was her, in her car listening and we are so thrilled to welcome her for our competition package at the theatre that will be broadcast to our region spanning though 3 provinces, Alberta, Saskatchewan and BC."

Gateway members will enjoy visiting with Linda in person as we get ready to watch our regional convention on May 1, 2022. Thanks Linda for making the flight, you will always be a Gatewaygirl.


Open House: Guest Night


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